Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sambutan Minggu Alam Sekitar Malaysia (MASM) Peringkat Kebangsaan 2012


Yang Berhormat Dato Sri Douglas Uggah Embas
Menteri Sumber Asli Dan Alam Sekitar

Majlis Pelancaran
Minggu Alam Sekitar Malaysia (MASM) Peringkat
Kebangsaan 2012

Di Taman Tasik Titiwangsa
Kuala Lumpur
21 Oktober 2012

YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup
Timbalan Menteri Sumber Asli Dan Alam Sekitar

YB Ahli Exco Alam Sekitar

Y. Bhg. Datuk Zoal Azha bin Yusof
Ketua Setiausaha
Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar

Y.Bhg. Dato’ Haji Ahmad Phesal Talib
Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur

Yang Bhg. Datuk Dr. Abdul Rahim bin Hj Nik
Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha Alam Sekitar
Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Malaysia

Y. Berusaha Puan Halimah Hassan
Ketua Pengarah Alam Sekitar Malaysia

Ketua – Ketua Jabatan Persekutuan dan Negeri,

Dato’-Dato’, Datin-Datin, Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan Yang Dihormati Sekalian,

Selamat pagi, Salam Sejahtera dan salam 1 Malaysia,

Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih di atas jemputan untuk saya merasmikan pelancaran Minggu Alam Sekitar Malaysia 2012 Peringkat Kebangsaan pada pagi ini. Ini adalah Sambutan Minggu Alam Sekitar Malaysia kali ke-21. Tema sambutan pada tahun ini ialah “Terima Kasih di atas Sumbangan Anda.” Ini adalah tanda penghargaan kepada anda semua dan kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang telah memberi sumbangan secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam usaha memulihara alam sekitar. Tanpa komitment dan penglibatan anda semua matlamat untuk mencapai alam sekitar yang bersih, selamat, sihat dan produktif bagi generasi masa kini dan masa hadapan adalah sukar untuk dicapai.

Hadirin sekalian

Mengikut Environmental Performance Index (EPI) yang diwujudkan oleh Universiti Yale dan Columbia, yang mengukur prestasi setiap negara dan menetapkan kedudukannya di peringkat global dalam pengurusan alam sekitar, Malaysia adalah di tangga ke 25 bagi tahun 2012. Ini adalah satu peningkatan baik yang membanggakan, iaitu daripada tangga ke 54 pada tahun 2010.

Saya juga ingin memaklumkan bahawa Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar sedang merangka EPI peringkat kebangsaan kita tersendiri. Adalah diharapkan dengan adanya EPI kebangasaan ini dapat mengalakkan persaingan sihat antara negeri-negeri untuk meningkatkan prestasi pengurusan alam sekitar.

Hadirin sekalian,

Untuk memacu negara ke arah negara maju menjelang 2020, melalui pembangunan yang lestari dengan mengambil kira Happiness Index yang telah diperkenal Kerajaan, Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar melalui Jabatan Alam Sekitar serta agensi-agensi di bawahnya sentiasa berusaha dan komited dalam melaksanakan program-program kesedaran alam sekitar yang disasarkan kepada pelbagai peringkat lapisan masyarakat. Tumpuan turut diberikan kepada pelajar-pelajar sekolah seawal di peringkat kanak-kanak prasekolah, sekolah rendah, sekolah menengah dan peringkat institusi pengajian tinggi.

Program Rakan Alam Sekitar (RAS) juga telah diperkenalkan. Program ini merupakan satu program yang membolehkan masyarakat bekerjasama dengan kerajaan dalam mengawal pencemaran alam sekitar dan seterusnya membantu meningkatkan kualiti alam sekitar untuk kesejahteraan rakyat. Saya difahamkan pada sambutan pagi ini ramai di kalangan ahli RAS yang turut hadir. Saya juga menyeru kepada yang belum menjadi ahli supaya tidak teragak agak untuk menjadi ahli. Sebagai ahli RAS anda boleh memainkan peranan yang bermakna dalam usaha bersama memulihara alam sekitar. Sila rujuk kepada Facebook RAS untuk mendapatkan pengumuman-pengumuman dan program-program yang dilaksanakan.

Saya juga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih di atas penglibatan sektor swasta, GLC’s dan korporat yang juga telah menjayakan pelbagai program kesedaran alam sekitar melalui program-program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mereka. Saya cadangkan mereka melibatgandakan sumber bagi usaha ini dan bersama-sama pihak NGO’s melaksanakan program-program kesedaran alam sekitar secara meluas melibatkan semua lapisan kumpulan sasaran.

Hadirin sekalian,

Isu-isu alam sekitar semakin hari menjadi semakin mencabar. Isu alam sekitar seperti pencemaran udara, pencemaran air, pembuangan sisa pepejal dan toksik, pengurangan sumber semulajadi dan sebagainya, telah mengakibatkan berlakunya ketidakseimbangan kepada alam sekitar.

Sehubungan dengan itu, kerajaan telah memperkenalkan pelbagai dasar dan garispanduan serta menguatkuasakan pelbagai undang-undang berkaitan dengan alam sekitar. Dasar, garis panduan dan program ini perlu dijadikan panduan kepada semua pihak termasuk kerajaan-kerajaan negeri dan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan bagi memastikan sumber semulajadi digunakan secara lestari dalam usaha pembangunan negara di samping alam sekitar kita dipelihara.

Dalam usaha yang berterusan untuk mencapai pembangunan secara lestari Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar, 1974 telah di pinda supaya Akta ini terus menjadi releven menangani isu-isu alam sekitar semasa yang menjadi semakin kompleks. Pindaan tersebut telah diwartakan pada 16 Ogos 2012 dan buat masa ini Jabatan Alam Sekitar sedang membuat persediaan untuk penguatkuasaan pindaan ini mulai 2 Januari 2013.

Pindaan Akta ini memberi fokus kearah memantapkan Pengurusan Penilaian Kesan Kepada Alam Sekeliling (EIA) dan mekanisma penguatkuasaan supaya projek-projek pembangunan yang diperlukan rakyat dapat dilaksanakan sebaik mungkin tanpa menjejaskan kualiti alam sekitar, kesihatan dan kesejateraan awam.

Sidang hadirin sekalian.

Antara akitiviti yang dijalankan pada hari ini adalah aktiviti kitar semula. Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menarik perhatian semua terhadap kepentingan kitar semula dan pengurusan buangan e-waste. E-waste sekiranya tidak diuruskan secara mesra alam akan memudaratkan alam sekitar dan kesihatan awam. Ini adalah kerana ia mengandungi kandungan logam berat yang berpotensi menyebabkan pencemaran alam sekitar. E-waste disenaraikan sebagai salah satu daripada Buangan Terjadual di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (BuanganTerjadual) 2005. Malalui peraturan ini, Malaysia telah berjaya mengendalikan e-waste yang dijana daripada sektor industri dengan cara yang mesra alam. Walau bagaimanapun, pengurusan e-waste dari isi rumah (household e-waste) adalah lebih kompleks. Ia memerlukan sistem koleksi buangan yang berkesan dan cekap. Secara purata, dianggarkan Malaysia menjana kira-kira 700,000 tan e-waste daripada entiti perniagaan, isi rumah dan sektor institusi setahun. Oleh itu, terdapat keperluan mendesak untuk mewujudkan sistem pengumpulan, pengasingan dan kitar semula e-waste bagi menguruskan e-waste ini secara mesra alam. Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan JICA dengan kerjasama Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang sedang melaksanakan projek perintis kutipan buangan e-waste dari isi rumah. Projek ini bertujuan membangunkan sistem kutipan e-waste dari isi rumahyang sesuai dan berkesan. Projek perintis ini akan digunakan sebagai asas untuk merangka polisi dan perundangan jika perlu dan akan dijadikan sebagai model untuk dikembang kepada seluruh negara kemudianya.

Adalah diharapkan satu polisi dapat dirangka dalam masa terdekat untuk pengurusan household e-waste agar ianya dapat diuruskan secara mesra alam dan tidak memudaratkan alam sekitar dan kesihatan awam.

Hadirin yang saya hormati sekalian,

Saya mendapati pada hari ini, berbagai-bagai aktiviti diadakan sempena sambutan MASM 2012. Semenjak awal pagi tadi telah diadakan acara Enviro-Run 2012. Saya dimaklumkan acara ini mendapat sambutan yang sangat menggalakkan, di mana seramai kira-kira 3000 peserta mengambil bahagian. Saya juga dimaklumkan seramai kira-kira 5000 orang telah mengambil bahagian dalam acara senam robik. Di samping itu acara pertandingan memancing juga, sedang berlangsung dimana 1500 orang turut melabuhkan joran di dalam Tasik Titiwangsa ini. Saya berharp warga Malaysia akan terus dapat menikmati alam sekitar yang bersih dan sihat.

Saya juga ingin mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas kepada pemenang acara Enviro-Run 2012. Kepada yang tidak menang janganlah putus asa kerana saya difahamkan pihak penganjur menyediakan banyak hadiah cabutan bertuah. Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan mungkin menjadi orang yang bertuah memenangi cabutan bertuah tersebut.

Akhir kata, saya sekali lagi ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih dan syabas kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dalam menjayakan penganjuran program Minggu Alam Sekitar Malaysia pada tahun ini. Semoga sokongan dan kerjasama yang terjalin ini akan terus berkekalan demi kesejahteraan dan keharmonian sejagat.

Dengan itu saya merasmikan sambutan Minggu Alam Sekitar peringkat Kebangsaan 2012.

Sekian, Terima kasih.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The High Level Ministerial Segment Of The 11th Conference of The Parties (COP) For The Convention On Biological Diversity (CBD)






Hyderabad, India

16 - 19 October 2012

  Namaste and a very good afternoon,

Her Excellency Madam Jayanthi Natharajan
Minister of Environment and Forest

Dr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias
Executive Secretary
Convention on Biological Diversity

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to be invited to deliver Malaysia’s statement at this very important meeting in this enchanting city of Hyderabad. Let me at the outset, take this opportunity to congratulate the Government of India for the excellent hosting of the 11th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP-11, CBD) and I would like to record Malaysia’s appreciation of the warm hospitality extended to our delegation.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

2. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Since then, we have treaded 20 years of an arduous journey and faced challenges in the pursuit of sustainable development. This was carried out by implementing the CBD initiatives through domestic actions, complemented by international cooperation in conserving biodiversity and promoting its sustainable use to address biodiversity loss.

3. At COP 10 we had to acknowledge the reality that the 2010 Global Biodiversity Targets were not achieved. At Nagoya two years ago we agreed to an ambitious Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Targets. We failed however to agree to the mobilisation of financial resources which are vital for the attainment of this Plan and the Targets. Instead we postponed the adoption of financial targets to COP-11. I have been advised that the negotiations to agree on financial targets – even on an interim basis, have been stalled. We cannot afford to fail again.

4. As one of the twelve mega diverse countries in the world, Malaysia is committed to implement the Strategic Plan. We align ourselves with other developing countries in striving towards achieving the Aichi Targets. We wish to recall that in Nagoya, Parties agreed to this Strategy as part of a package relating to the other two components, namely, the Nagoya ABS Protocol and the mobilisation of financial resources. The implementation of the Strategic Plan by developing countries requires enormous financial and technical resources. These must be provided by developed countries in line with the principle of common but differentiated responsibility as stipulated in Article 20 of the Convention on Biological Diversity and reiterated recently in Rio+20. Accordingly we hope that the compromise made by Malaysia and other developing country parties in Nagoya to implement the Plan and the Targets is fully reciprocated by the developed country parties here in Hyderabad. This will complete the unfinished business from Nagoya and show our sincere collective commitment to save biodiversity and life itself.

5. As a reflection of our commitment we have strengthened our legal framework and enhanced the sanctions for violations under the Wildlife Conservation Act.

6. In meeting the Aichi Targets, Malaysia is currently implementing concrete conservation programmes such as Central Forest Spine (CFS), the Heart of Borneo and the Coral Triangle Initiatives, and the National Tiger Conservation Action Plan. We have also established 58 Marine Protected Areas and currently, we are managing 13 turtle hatcheries throughout the country. These initiatives cumulatively will bring us to the highest level of sustainable resource management. Our ambitious endeavour however, comes with substantial costs which motivates us to look forward to a successful partnership with the developed country parties.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

7. On the Nagoya Protocol, Malaysia is now in the midst of developing its national law to regulate its ABS mechanisms . This national law serves a dual purpose; firstly, to ensure that our resources are accessed in accordance with national requirements and ensure that benefits from the utilisation of biological resources are shared in a fair and equitable manner. Secondly, this law will set the legal framework for Malaysia to implement the third objective of the CBD including its related provisions. In this regard, we request for more capacity building activities on ABS especially among developing countries in the context of South-South cooperation in order to arrive at a common understanding of the Nagoya Protocol for its effective implementation. To this end, Malaysia is initiating several regional initiatives, especially with its Asian partners in the Like Minded Mega Diverse Countries as well as other countries in the Asian and ASEAN group of countries.

8. In closing, I would like to reiterate that Malaysia is sincerely committed to conserving and protecting our natural heritage and fully subscribe to the COP-11 theme, ‘Nature Protects, if she is Protected’.

Thank you.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Projek River Of Life

Projek River Of Life Dijangka Siap Menjelang Oktober 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Julai (Bernama) -- Projek "River of Life" (ROL) yang terdiri daripada 14 pakej dan menelan belanja RM400 juta dijadual siap menjelang bulan Oktober tahun depan.

Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah Embas berkata projek itu berjalan lancar dan pada masa ini mengikut jadual.

"Kami yakin kesemua 14 pakej akan siap menjelang Oktober tahun depan," kata beliau kepada pemberita semasa lawatan ke tapak Sungai Kelang di sini Selasa.

Beliau berkata projek ROL akan menyaksikan pemuliharaan semula Sungai Kelang dan Sungai Gombak, dan kerja-kerja mencantikkan tebing di sepanjang 10.7 kilometer itu.

"Meskipun banyak isu timbul daripada penempatan semula setinggan tebing sungai, kami berjaya menyelesaikan semuanya menerusi perbincangan dan dialog bagi membolehkan projek itu dilaksanakan dengan lancar," tambah beliau.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Waste Management Conference and Exhibition 2012

Guest of Honour and Official Oppening by
 YB Dato Sri Douglas Uggah Embas
Minister of Natural Resources & Environment
Waste Management Conference and Exhibition 2012
19 July 2102

Puan Halimah Hassan
Director General, Dept of Environment

Encik Abd Aziz b. Long
President of ENSEARCH

Mr. K.N. Gobinathan
Chairperson of WM2012

Encik Habib Husin
Chief Operating Officer Malakoff Corporation Berhad

Encik Zamri Abdul Rahman
General Manager, Worldwide Landfill Sdn Bhd

Your Excellencies,

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning and Salam 1 Malaysia,

1. I am indeed honoured to be here this morning to officiate at ENSEARCH’s 10th Waste Management Conference & Exhibition with the theme of “Wastes to Opportunities”. I congratulate ENSEARCH in collaboration with Malaysian Society of Waste Management & Environment for organizing this important conference and would like to thank them for giving me the opportunity to be part of this useful and beneficial event.

Distinguished guests, Ladies & Gentlemen,

2. Those of you who were here for the first day of this event should already be aware of the impact of energy needs on the environment and the role that waste management needs to play in both addressing the potential of generating usable energy from waste as well as the need to manage the wastes from energy generation. You would also be aware of the urgent need to upgrade and modernize our wastewater management systems in order to recover potential sources of energy and other resources of value. Today’s programme will cover Municipal Solid and Hazardous Waste and explore the link between waste management and climate change in Malaysia

3. In 2012, it is estimated that Peninsular Malaysia alone generated 25,000 metric tons of municipal solid waste daily. The bulk of this is food (48%), paper (15%), plastic (14%) followed by glass, metals and other wastes. Regrettably, the primary means of disposing of this waste remains through the system of landfills in the country. A total of 165 landfills remain open and operating in Malaysia. Of these, eight are classified as sanitary landfills, with another 11 sanitary landfills at various stages of construction. A further 131 landfills are closed and no longer receiving waste for disposal. Besides these, at present, we have a single Refuse Derived Fuel plant, and 4 thermal waste treatment plants; on Langkawi, Tioman and Pangkor Islands and in the Cameron Highlands.

4. In terms of priority, the preference hierarchy remains clear. Avoidance, reduction, and reuse remain the most preferred options; recovery and treatment are next, with disposal and landfilling being the least preferred options. These options have proven effective in case studies around the world, and are an integral part of our current waste management policy moving forward. Our target is both ambitious and clear. By 2020, we aim to reduce the amount of landfilled waste by 40% and waste-related greenhouse gases by 38%.

5. In terms of scheduled wastes, Malaysia generated a total of almost 3.3 million, metric tons in 2011. This represents an increase of 6.3% compared to 3 million metric tons generated the previous year. In 2011, the primary scheduled wastes were dross/slag/clinker/ash, gypsum, mineral sludge, heavy metal sludge and e-waste.

6. Of the total scheduled wastes produced in 2011, 1.6 million metric tons (50.57%) were managed under special management approval as stipulated under Regulation 7, Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations, 2005. This represents an increase of 38% as compared to 1.2 million metric tons in 2010. These wastes are mostly from power stations and drinking water treatment plants.

7. Of the remaining scheduled wastes, almost a million metric tons or slightly more than 28% were recovered for re-use; most of which was recovered locally. Only a small faction (0.06%) was exported for recovery in other countries according to Basel Convention procedures.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

8. One of the new stream added to the wastes stream today, are the end-of-life electrical and electronic goods (EEE) and e-wastes (WEEE). These wastes are relatively recent addition to the wastes stream which is attracting increasing attention globally as the quantity generated is rising rapidly.

9. E-wastes management is a concern not only because of the tremendous increase in its quantity but also because it has grown in increasing complexity. E-wastes contain a lot of toxic ingredients such as lead, beryllium, mercury, cadmium and brominated flame retardants. These are highly hazardous substances which may pose both occupational and environmental health threats.

10. E-wastes can also be another source of raw material if it can be efficiently recovered through environmentally sound manner. Recycling of e-waste also contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases because significantly less energy is used when compared with primary mining.

11. Thus, electrical and electronic products need to be managed throughout their lifecycle. Therefore, involvement of manufacturers and importers in in implementing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is important. Extended Producer Responsibility means that producers bear a certain degree of responsibility for proper recycling and management of the products that they produced even after the products are used and disposed of".

12. In this regard, there is a need to develop capacity to manage recovery efforts in a sustainable manner. Technologies are evolving rapidly in terms of products, waste streams, and recovery processes. We also need to develop schemes on the collection and segregation of e-waste, including take-back schemes, the initiation of pilot repair, refurbishment and recycling schemes.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

13. In Malaysia, the quantity of e-waste generated from the industrial sector in 2009 was 134,000 metric tonne, covering 7.86% of total waste generated. While in 2010, the e-waste generation increased by 17.9% to 163,000 metric tonne, covering 8.68% of total waste generated.

14. With the amendment of the Scheduled Waste Regulation in 2005, Malaysia has so far managed to handle the e-waste generated from the industrial sectors in an environmentally sound manner. However, we are still working on the management of household e-waste as it requires an effective and efficient collection system. Based on the report from The E-Waste Inventory Project in Malaysia in 2008 funded by Ministry of Environment Japan, the amount of e-waste generated from household, business entities and institutions sector, in 2006 was 653,000 tons, in 2007 was 695,000 tons and in 2008 it was 688,000 tons. On average, Malaysia generated about 700,000 tons of e-waste from household, business entities and institutions sector. Therefore, there is a need for proper collection, segregation and recycling of e-waste system to be established in order to manage the wastes in an environmentally sound manner.

15. To assist DOE in formulating the way forward for household e-waste, pilot project is being carried out in one of the states under JICA funding. This E-waste pilot project is aimed at developing an appropriate, effective e-waste collection system from households. The pilot project is expected to be used as a model for expanding to the nationwide collection system. In the Pilot Project, e-waste from household will be collected by appliances shops, mobile phone shops and hypermarket chains and send to participating e-waste recyclers for recycling. Data collected from this project will be used for nationwide model collection system and policy development by the Department of Environment.

Distinguished guests, Ladies & Gentlemen,

16. Malaysia is well on its way to achieving the indicator that was announced by our Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak in 2009 at the 15th COP of UNFCCC in Copenhagen. Malaysia’s effort to reduce its carbon emissions intensity of GDP by up to 40% of its 2005 levels by year 2020 has already made important headway. It is interesting to note that one of the major contributors to the reduction is in the area of waste management, for example harnessing palm oil waste to generate electricity.

17. Malaysia is also currently developing a National Carbon Disclosure Programme. Under this programme, corporate and government agencies will be encouraged to measure and report their carbon emissions. This programme is envisioned to be implemented on a voluntary basis at the outset to enable corporations to build the necessary capacity and to put the needed institutions and frameworks into place. This programme is envisioned to be trans-sectoral and the active involvement of entities in the waste management sector will be very much welcome.

18. While Climate Change is currently addressed under several different policies in a number of different government ministries, this issue is part of the broader ambit of Sustainable Development. Therefore, the issue of sustainable development has to be addressed in parallel with waste management. Present efforts such as the zero burn technique, biogas trapping, and the reduction of waste discharge in the rubber industry are a testament to this linkage and the co-benefits that are achieved. ENSEARCH theme for this year’s Annual Waste Conference; “Wastes to Opportunities” further builds on this symbiotic relationship and supports the three pillars of sustainable development ; economic growth, environmental protection, and social equality.

19. It is indeed encouraging that ENSEARCH has continued in its efforts to enhance sustainable practices through its Annual Waste Management Conference. This “Wastes to Opportunities” conference is a constructive step forward as it provides a platform for stakeholders and society to engage in the issues involved in transforming waste into a profitable industry. I am confident in the near future we will see the emergence of industries converting waste into wealth. We hope to see more constructive engagements like this to promote technological advances and effective practices already in use around the world that can be brought to local context via this forum. I look forward to more collaborations and feedback from ENSEARCH, other NGOs and civil societies for innovative better and more effective waste management industry in our country.

20. On that note, it now gives me great pleasure to officiate ENSEARCH’s 10th Waste Management Conference & Exhibition.

Thank you.

The Launch of GEF SGP Publication: “Partners in Sustainable Development: Empowering Civil Societies through SGP” and SGP Grants Award Ceremony

Official Address by YB. Dato Sri Douglas Uggah Embas,
Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE)
The Launch of GEF SGP Publication: “Partners in Sustainable Development: Empowering Civil Societies through SGP” and SGP Grants Award Ceremony
12th July 2012

Mr. Asfaazam Kasbani, representing Mr. Kamal Malhotra, Resident Representative, United Nations Development Programme Malaysia,

Datuk Dr. Abdul Rahim Nik, Chairman, The National Steering Committee GEF SGP Malaysia,

Members of the National Steering Committee,


Representatives of the private sectors,

Members of the civil society organizations,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good Morning.

1. Today’s event marks a significant milestone for GEF SGP Malaysia country programme especially with the publication of “Partners in Sustainable Development: Empowering Civil Societies through SGP”. The programme started in 1999, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, in its capacity as the GEF National Focal Point is indeed happy to be associated with the successful implementation of the programme.

2. We are honoured to have notable guests representing various sectors. Representatives of foreign missions are here, and we note with appreciation the contributions made by some of them to SGP projects especially from the developing countries. We also have members of the corporate sector and civil society organizations present today. I believe, that a better understanding of SGP working mechanisms and the lessons learnt on implementing projects on the ground will help us in enhancing our implementation of SGP projects. At this juncture, allow me to express my utmost gratitude to those who have generously contributed funds and assistance in order to ensure the successful completion of SGP projects.

3. The SGP is designed specifically to support and advocate civil society organisations (CSOs) and local community participation in environmental protection initiatives. In this regard, I am glad to note the contributions made by SGP, which are in line with and complement Government policy initiatives to encourage community participation in environmental programmes. The SGP plays a crucial role in enhancing the capacity of CSOs to play a meaningful and significant role on environmental issues.

4. The activities covered by SGP are vast – be it the revival of traditional medicine, alternative renewable energy sources, small group based enterprises and even up to ecotourism – they are directly targeted towards realizing the benefits of many stakeholder groups in Malaysian society. The flexibility, simplified procedures and local community focused approaches applied by SGP in managing the country programme, have been successful in achieving these positive outcomes and impacts. More importantly, its ability to reach out to rural and isolated communities through its wide network of CSOs need to be recognized and taken note of.

5. The NGOs, community-based organisations (CBOs) and CSOs have become strategic partners in mobilizing national efforts in protecting and conserving the environment and natural resources. Notably the SGP publication “Partners in Sustainable Development” and its contents aptly reflect the CSOs attributes.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

6. The SGP is basically an environmental thematic programme. However, through its flexible approaches, it has managed to incorporate some socio-economic activities, mainly to benefit the rural and isolated communities. One particular activity is the construction of micro hydro to generate clean energy from renewable resources and to supply the rural households. Thus far seven projects have been completed for the benefits of rural and isolated communities that are inaccessible to the national grid connection at least in the near future. I am also encouraged to learn that some private firms have voluntarily co-financed a few of these projects. I also note that there are few more still being implemented and I hope more such projects will be undertaken to benefit the relevant target groups.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

7. The publication, “Partners in Sustainable Development: Empowering Civil Societies through SGP” serves a few purposes. I believe that this would be a useful reference for community based environmental initiatives. It articulates approaches that could effectively be applied to engage and for reaching out to small and rural based CSOs. In addition, the projects illustrate good examples and project cases with potential up-scaling, replication and further enhancement of the results and policy at various levels. More importantly, it also demonstrates how small funds could contribute significantly to the improvement of quality of life at some grassroots’ level.

Thus, let me congratulate SGP Malaysia in its efforts to publish this beneficial document.

8. I am made to understand the SGP Malaysia has obtained an amount of USD 3.2 million in total grant allocation for the current phase of implementation. Out of this amount, today’s function is witnessing the handing over of SGP grants totaling USD 373,166 to nine new recipients including some rural based CSOs from Sarawak and Sabah. I hope that more CSOs especially the rural based will come forward to participate and have access to this funding facility, while inviting the private sectors to explore the possibilities of co-financing options with SGP grants.

9. At this juncture, I would like to reiterate the commitment of the Malaysian Government to protect the environment and give priority to resolving issues related to biodiversity and climate change. We have introduced numerous policies, laws and regulations aimed at mainstreaming environment into national development planning. In this regard, we are happy to note with appreciation the contribution made by GEF SGP over the years, in particular complementing the Government’s initiatives in addressing environmental imperatives through communities participation. We hope GEF SGP will continue to play a greater role through larger funding and flexible approaches and expanded outreach to smaller and rural civil societies in Malaysia. This is the way forward to help us manage environmental and climate change issues as well as enhance awareness and involvement of local communities in resolving these issues for the benefit of all.

10. On that note, it is now my pleasure to officially launch the publication by Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme Malaysia on “Partners in Sustainable Development: Empowering Civil Societies through SGP”.

Thank you.


9 -10 JULY 2012

YBhg. Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Aini Ideris
Deputy Vice Chancellor,
Universiti Putra Malaysia

Y.Bhg. Datuk Dr. Abdul Rahim bin Nik
Deputy Secretary General
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Dr Raffaella Commitante
Orang utan Conservancy USA,

Dr Steve Unwin
Chester Zoo United Kingdom,

Dr Wendy Bailey
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom,

Prof Dato’ Dr Abdul Rani Bahaman
Centre of Excellence for Wildlife Research & Conservation,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Distinguished Delegates,

Members of the media,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A very Good Morning, Selamat Sejahtera and Salam 1Malaysia

First and foremost, I would like to extend a warm Selamat Datang to our distinguished foreign delegates, International Agencies, Federal and State Government agencies, Institutes of Higher Learning and all of you to the Orang utan Veterinary Advisory Group Workshop 2012 in Kuala Lumpur or in short called the OVAG Workshop.

2. I would also like to record my appreciation to the organizers for inviting me to give a few words and officially open this workshop. I understand that this workshop is part of the on-going efforts by the global orang utan conservation community to share research and information between experienced veterinary staff. I was informed that the OVAG workshops strive to bring various experts in and outside of orang utan range countries such as the USA, United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Australia, Taiwan, and also in the orang utan range countries which are Indonesia and Malaysia together to increase and share their knowledge.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

3. Malaysia as you all know is blessed with rich biodiversity and houses some of the most majestic species such as the Malayan Tiger, Malayan Tapir, Seladang and Orang Utan. Some of these amazing animals such as the orang utan is only found in Indonesia and Malaysia and our tiger is also identified as a distinct subspecies. In this regard, Malaysia is indeed very honoured to be given the opportunity to host this important workshop which will further enhance our collective global efforts to conserve wildlife with a focus on orang utan. This is very much in line with the global Aichi Targets on Biodiversity from 2011 to 2020 which aims at reducing biodiversity loss and to enhance the conservation of endangered species.

4. Wildlife has long been a subject of human interest especially the scientific community. Since some regions house more species diversity such as our region, research on wildlife has attracted people from all over the world. Today’s workshop is an example of many countries coming together for a common goal for orang utan veterinary care and conservation. I was informed that a total of 50 international and local experts will meet at this year’s conference to share their knowledge and formulate effective protocols for disease treatment and control, rehabilitation, release and monitoring of orang utans. The gathering of experts, veterinarians, practitioners as well as orang utan conservationist at this conference which is dedicated to this amazing mammals, I am sure will generate outcomes that will enhance our current knowledge base.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

5. What is important is at the end of the day, all this must ensure that the conservation of orang utan is strengthened with solid scientific base. I too call upon the governments and managers of the habitats where this majestic animal dwells, to strengthen enforcement and ensure that their gazetted habitat is not disturbed, if we are really serious in seeing this species survive for generations to come.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

6. For Malaysians, the orang utan is very close to our heart. Therefore there is greater impetus for Malaysia to conserve this national treasure not only for the benefit of the current generation but more importantly for the generations to come. This makes a lot of sense in biodiversity conservation because the orang utan plays an important part to our ecosystem, and thus its conservation will translate into a healthier biodiversity.

7. Furthermore, orang utan have a unique role to play culturally in our society and ecologically in our natural ecosystem. Realizing this, I am proud to reiterate that Malaysia is committed in conserving this majestic and beautiful species. While we have this very strong commitment, we too are faced with many challenges as a young and fast growing nation. Our size of Protected Aras for Orang Utans are somewhat reaching a constant figure and all our conservation work in some areas have increased orang utan numbers significantly. In some orang utan sanctuaries I was informed they are operating beyond the carrying capacity. I was in Semenggoh Orang Utan Sanctuary in Sarawak during the weekend and was informed by the rangers there that the 653 hectare sanctuary houses some 28 orang utans currently, and they feel this is way above the carrying capacity and has caused wildlife human conflict. This issue is creating a lot of challenges and would need a new paradigm in managing this growing population and as we do not have new areas to house the wildlife.

8. I hope experts at this conference will also look at this issue seriously because in Malaysia our population is growing and we have a clear ambition to be a fully developed nation by 2020 but at the same time we need to ensure our wildlife and in this case orang utan human conflict is kept to the minimum. We need a clear science-policy interface given this scenario where wildlife and human can strive and live conflict free yet our nation realizing her development agenda and ensuring the conservation of our biodiversity. I hope to get some clear recommendation and guidance on this issue from the experts at this conference.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

9. While faced with the challenge mention above, the Government knows that it needs the support of various stakeholders such as academic experts in wildlife to assist in orang utan conservation. In Malaysia, we are fortunate to have the Centre of Excellence for Wildlife Research and Conservation, UPM which focuses in research and conservation of Malaysian wildlife. This Centre has worked closely with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Department of Wildlife and National Parks Malaysia (PERHILITAN) on many issues relating to wildlife medicine, welfare, legislation, and conservation. To further strengthen this cooperation and working relationship, a Memorandum of Understanding with PERHILITAN was recently signed. The centre was established to be a reference point for wildlife research in the country, and to provide data on our local wildlife heritage which can be used by the government for formulating management plans and policies which will translate into better science-policy interface.

10. I was informed by UPM that they are studying the need to upscale this Centre into an Institute for Tropical Wildlife Research and Conservation to further expand its role in assisting various government agencies and to generate the much needed data on our local wildlife. This data is crucial and may be used for the conservation management of our wildlife and to identify key resources that could be harnessed for the creation of national wealth through ecotourism, wildlife entrepreneurs, alternative food resources, and for the sustainable management of our local biodiversity heritage as outlined in our National Biological Diversity Policy. I feel it is timely for UPM to be the pioneer university on wildlife research, since UPM houses the oldest veterinary faculty in this country. This move to establish this Institute I hope will attract more local researchers to study our wildlife as the numbers of our local researchers in this field is still very low.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

11. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has always advocated the importance on wildlife conservation. With the implementation of the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010, we would ensure wildlife conservation efforts would be further augmented with clear provisions to cater for the well-being of wildlife and to enhance enforcement. In addition to that, the Act through its regulations outlines strict requirements for the health and safety of large mammals such as the orang utan in zoos. This shows our commitment in ensuring wildlife species are well-protected and taken care of.

12. Moreover, in Sabah, we are implementing the actions outlined in the Orang Utan Action Plan (2012-2016). This 5 year plan aims to secure the continued existence of viable orang utan populations in Sabah and to maintain the major wild populations in accordance with other management practices that exist for each specific forest. This is an ambitious yet strong commitment from the Government to protect and conserve the orang utan population and habitat. In Sarawak, I officiated the setting up of a Centre of Excellence for Orang Utang in 2010 located in the Batang Ai National Park. With the establishment of this centre, it will complement and enhance the current initiatives of the State Government. Sarawak too is poised to maintain her current numbers of wild orang utan population though I mentioned earlier some ofthese sanctuaries are already exceeding their carrying capacity.

13. Hence, I would like to reiterate that I am pleased that we are having a dedicated veterinary conference on orang utan, which I am sure will garner and enhance knowledge of this amazing mammals. The outcome of this conference, I hope will be captured in a form of proceeding and also be translated to actual actions on the ground. My expectation are that the actions emanating from this workshop, where we have some of the best known experts on orang utan, will enable better management of our orang utans which will have direct positive impact on their conservation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

14. Before I end my speech, I wish all participants of the workshop a fruitful discussion. To our guests, do take your time from your busy schedule to sample not only our rich natural diversity but also our vibrant and colourful culture, representing Malaysia as truly Asia. You too are located in what is called as Kuala Lumpur’s Golden Triangle, which is a heaven for shopping. May your stay here, right in the heart of Kuala Lumpur be an enjoyable and memorable one.

15. I too would also like to place my appreciation to the organizing committee consisting of officials from University Putra Malaysia for the time and effort in making this workshop a reality. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to our international partners, Orang utan Conservancy USA, Chester Zoo and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine UK in keeping the conservation of orang utan high on the global agenda.

16. On this note, I declare the Orang utan Veterinary Advisory Group Workshop 2012 officially open. Thank you.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Pelancaran Motosikal Elektrik NRE

Sempena Perhimpunan Bulanan Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar (NRE) pada Januari yang lepas, saya telah merasmikan Pelancaran Motosikal Elektrik di Dewan Baiduri, Wisma Sumber Asli, Putrajaya.

Selaras dengan usaha untuk melahirkan persekitaran kerja yang mesra alam, Saya NRE telah mengambil inisiatif menggunakan motosikal elektrik bagi tujuan menghantar notis dan bagi pegawai yang bermesyuarat di sekitar Putrajaya.

Penggunaan motosikal ini juga merupakan kesinambungan daripada Kempen NRE Goes Green yang dilancarkan pada tahun 2010.

Saya amat mengharapkan warga NRE menggunakan kemudahan ini sebagai satu langkah positif yang boleh dijadikan contoh kepada Kementerian-kementerian lain.